Dear EnviroWatch, Inc.
We appreciate the work you are doing for the environment and would like to make a donation. I have enclosed a check or money order and have made my selection of jewelry from the list below. Please send to:
Name:_______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City/ST/Cntry/Zip ______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________I am enclosing $35. Please send me the earrings chosen below | |
I am enclosing $50. Please send me the bracelet chosen below | |
I am enclosing $100. Please send me both earrings and bracelet | |
I am enclosing $150. Please send me my own combination of charms on the earrings & bracelet | |
I am enclosing an additional $_________ to help your organization |
Choose your gift from the following list:
Picture 1. Hawaiian Turtle Symbol | |
Picture 2. African Elephant | |
Picture 2. African Rhino | |
Picture 2. African Elephant / Rhino combination | |
Picture 3. Dolphins | |
Picture 4 . Small Elephants | |
Picture 5. Small Manatees | |
Picture 6. Large Manatees | |
Picture 7. Large Turtles | |
BRACELETS | Circle Size: 7" or 8" |
Picture 1. Hawaiian Theme | |
Picture 2. African Theme | |
Picture 3. Dolphins | |
Picture 4. Small Elephants | |
Picture 5. Sharks & Manatees | |
Picture 5. Sharks only | |
Picture 5. Manatees only | |
Picture 6. Small Manatees | |
Picture 7. Turtles | |
MY DESIGN | choose your own combination of charms from those illustrated |
Earrings: |
Bracelet: | maximum 5 charms: