DLNR and DOH –
A Toxic Combination,
or, the Big Fish gets away
By Carroll Cox

State-operated oil dump station at Kewalo Basin |
For many years the Hawaii State Department of Land
and Natural Resources (DLNR) has been closing areas to fishing and
designating them as Marine Protection Areas, or MPA’s. The current DLNR
administration is, quite correctly, a proponent of such practices. In
addition, it recently introduced a community action group to detect and
report natural resources violations and in particular, marine related
violations. The DLNR has also authored and implemented a new rule to
strengthen its enforcement and regulatory efforts regarding the use of
gill nets. And, they supported legislation that will allow DLNR
enforcement officers to search coolers and other containers, including
vehicles and boats, if they suspect illegal gear or catch is present.
Unfortunately, this particular legislation is for “searches without
probable cause”, which is why we disagree with it.
With the exception of their latest request, any
efforts toward increased legislation and enforcement is welcome and
appreciated. However, we believe most, if not all of their current
legislative, administrative and enforcement efforts are a smokescreen
designed to conceal DLNR’s, and the Department of Health’s (DOH)
unwillingness and inability to tackle the larger issues that negatively
impact the fish population and marine resources it is their job to
Particularly, we are perplexed by both the DLNR’s
and DOH’s lackluster approach to addressing and abating the negative
impacts that sewage, illegal dumping, construction, farming and
agriculture, golf courses, septic tanks, aquatic research facilities and
projects, and other point and non-point pollution have on our fish and
marine resources. We believe that, to compensate for its lack of
protection in these areas, the DLNR is diligently and aggressively
implementing rules that will allow warrantless searches and ban gill

- Effluent water from Lake Wilson being
- dumped via Dole's irrigation flume into
- the Kaukonahau Stream

Clothes dryer dumped on the beach |
Farm run off, aquaculture facilities, illegal
dumping and other activities have been proven to have a negative impact
on fish populations and other marine resources. Research publications
and government and privately funded environmental programs have
emphasized the need to curb overflow. Although scientific reports show
many human impacts are to blame for the fisheries decline, it seems most
are ignored by government. Emphasis is not being placed on a major
problem that deteriorates water quality, degrades fish habitat, and adds
to the declining health of fisheries.
Unfortunately, according to the following
examples, we must report that the Department of Land and Natural
Resources and Department of Health fall far short in their efforts to
implement measures to reduce impacts in these areas.
many years EnviroWatch, Inc. has been investigating and reporting on the
City and County of Honolulu and the United States Department of
Defense’s Waste Water Treatment Plant operations near Wahiawa. We are
particularly concerned about their disposal and dumping of treated
sewage water into irrigation ditches and the Kaukonahua stream that run
through central Oahu and empties into the ocean on the North Shore. We
have proven that the water in the irrigation ditch owned by Dole Foods
Hawaii is treated wastewater from the City and County of Honolulu’s
Wahiawa Waste Water Treatment Plant, via the Wahiawa Reservoir, and the
Schofield Barracks Waste Water Treatment Plant. After our coverage of
this story, signs were posted warning the public that water in the
irrigation system is not clean.
A large percentage of the
water from the treatment plant finds it’s way to the ocean on the North
Shore, and some of it just percolates into the ground water. This
so-called “treated” water contains suspended solids, chemicals,
estrogen. oil, antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals and
many other contaminants. We still don’t know the ecological threats
some of these contaminants pose to fish and other marine resources. And
worse, due to problems with the treatment plant, every so often
untreated sewage gets dumped into Lake Wilson, affecting the overall
levels of contaminants.
occasion to talk to some guys using what appeared to be an illegal gill
net in one of the state parks. I asked if they were concerned the game
warden or conservation officer would catch them using the net. They
told me they weren’t concerned because they knew exactly where the game
warden would be for that area on any given night. When asked to
clarify, they told me the game warden punctually locks the gates at the
various state parks.

example of a gill net |
have documented people cutting and dismantling air conditioners in state
parks during daylight hours, and no one from the DLNR intercepts them.
We observed them dumping oil from compressors on the ground and allowing
the refrigerant gas to flow into the atmosphere. They told me they have
been doing this for a year and often stop in the park to cut up air
conditioners and other scrap metal for sale. The oil will eventually
find its way into the storm drain and then the ocean. The oil also
poses a threat to the birds in the area.

cutting air condtioners releases refrigerant gas |
Aquatic research facilities and projects pose a threat when their
discharged sediment soils fish eggs or larvae, making them more
susceptible to fungal growth. Sediments also suffocate the large egg
masses laid by some fish. Sediments increase turbidity, which blocks
sunlight that is needed to grow healthy coral reefs. Heavy metals and
other pollutants, pesticides, estrogen and antibiotics buildup in the
tissues of some fishes and affect marine life throughout the food chain.
Along the coast of our islands we have documented the dumping of large
numbers of lead acid batteries in or near tide pools, streams and
wetlands. In some instances it appears the batteries have been there
for many years. Also, drums, bottles and pails of motor oil,
transmission fluids, paints, and solvents can be found. All of these
discarded products lay around for long periods of time, eventually
leeching into the ground water. The runoff goes into our streams, tide
pools and ocean. In one instance we even found banned pesticides dumped
in a wetland area.
Don’t get me wrong. In no way are we suggesting
that the DLNR is wrong for banning gill nets, enforcing fishing laws, or
getting the public involved. However, we do believe DLNR is remiss in
its failure to investigate and prosecute the larger problems that are
causing even more damage to our resources. They are missing the bigger
picture, and attempting to cover up their past mistakes by going after
the easier, more visible targets that will not cost a lot of time,
politics or money to prosecute. And, without enforcement none if it
will matter.